Bradley Wright

Technologist, Photographer, and Consultant in London, United Kingdom

Bradley Wright

Technologist, Photographer, and Consultant in London, United Kingdom

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Brad is a husband and dad, a photographer, a part time blogger and all round technology generalist.

He's a load of other things too, but they're probably of very little interest to anyone apart from Brad.

He likes blue skies, long walks on the beach, pasta, beer, playing with Technology and more pasta (although recently he's given up carbs).

If he had a wish it would be for world peace (obviously), but as it's unlikely that is going to happen anytime soon, good health and a happy life for Brad and his family would be a good start (hence the carbs!).

He is mostly to be found in the den with a cup of tea and working on the next big thing.

You can contact Brad on this page's iconography below:

  • Work
    • Media
  • Education
    • Life University